Sessions and meditation techniques
The various meditation techniques can be divided into two main groups: active meditations with physical movement and passive, contemplative (that is, you collect yourself internally and let yourself sink mentally) meditations while sitting quietly. Both groups know both the active directing of attention and the passive letting things happen. Depending on the person and the situation, one or the other type of meditation is preferred. The aim of all types of meditation is to detach yourself from the external events of everyday life and to focus your attention entirely inwards. The most intensive meditations are usually meditations in groups, because the group energy intensifies the power of meditation. Of course, meditations alone, for example at home, are also very effective. In the meditation sessions, your intention, that is, your purpose, plays the central role. What is the focus of your meditation today? Do you want deep physical or mental relaxation? Are you looking for a clarifying answer from within to a question that is bothering you? Or would you like to learn to understand yourself and your behavior better? We actively direct your attention to a topic and look for an answer from within. If your meditation intention is more of a deeper connection to your "higher self", we direct your consciousness towards the "higher self". From this point on, we let things happen. It is a passive, wide-awake letting-it-happen. Depending on how you feel that day, your consciousness can change and deep experiences become possible. For newcomers and those interested, I offer beginner workshops at irregular intervals. There, we will spend a weekend intensively examining the techniques of meditation and you will learn how to get involved with yourself. Afterwards, you are warmly invited to join one of my meditation groups. We meet there every two weeks to meditate together.